HOOSY ist ein Non-Profit Verein, der durch die Entwicklung und Zertifizierung standardisierter Datenschnittstellen eine effiziente Datenkommunikation, zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse der Hospitality-Branche, fördert.

HOOSY offers players in the hospitality industry a standard for data interfaces through certifications. Uniform classification and definition of interfaces secure interoperability and data transfer.

HOOSY certification aims at all providers in hospitality who work with data, either by collecting data themselves and/or by processing data. Since the Internet of Things, at the latest, this is no longer a matter of software only, but increasingly about hardware devices as well.

HOOSY certifies products and services from hospitality providers, including cooking appliances, software, sensors. Companies themselves cannot be certified.

  • Operating in Real-Time: Ability to transmit, receive or process data in real time, which is critical for controlling machines and industrial processes.
  • Interoperability: Support integration and communication between systems and devices from various providers.
  • Scalability: Suitable for different application areas, from small sensors to complex control systems.
  • Security: Strong security mechanisms to protect data communications.

  • Qualitative certification: Our HOOSY® certificates stand for quality and compatibility, correspond to international standards and are applicable to all products and solutions.
  • Collaboration: We Support active partnerships and exchange of know-how to meet the ever-growing needs of the industry and drive innovative solutions.
  • Visibility: The certificates increase visibility and strengthen an innovative image in the industry through marketing activities, events and collaborations and the HOOSY® provider directory, which will be launched soon.

  • Market Access: Members of the HOOSY® Alliance join a network that serves the innovative hospitality industry looking for the latest and most efficient solutions.
  • Up-to-date: Members of the HOOSY® Alliance receive exclusive insights into the latest developments and the latest technological news first.

HOOSY focuses on the user's data sovereignty and assists with data usage agreements on the part of the data provider.

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